Sunday, July 29, 2007
We went to my niece's baptism and birthday party in Blue Jam this morning. My sister and I went ahead 'coz Dad was too busy chatting with Tita Beth on the computer. I saw a lot of her former classmates from high school there and I can't believe that they still remembered me. My cousin from Manila and her mom were also there and they were given the VIP treatment from my "trying-hard" tita (the "host"). It was pretty obvious that she was trying to impress the award-winning journalits's wife and daughter. She even made them cut in the line when they were getting the food and when she saw me and my sister following them, she told us to go to the very end of the line since we were "not in a hurry"; geez! I could see my cousin and her mom muttering when they saw us at the end of the line when we were right behind them just seconds before. I let it slide, for now. The food was delicious and I had fun talking to my titos and titas.
My Dad got a message from one of my titas saying that my cousin was being abused by her husband thopugh we're not sure if he does it to her physically or emotionally. I guess we can scratch out the physical part since she looked okay when we saw her. I hope she's doing alright.
We back home after the party because we left my brother there. He wasn't feeling very well so he wasn't able to go with us; but he felt a little better when we got back. We went to the mall, watched Harry Potter (again) and went grocery shopping for my supplies.
Monday tomorrow. Back to Manila. School. Great.
Labels: family issues, RENT, school woes
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I am so not gonna get over that movie anytime soon
As always, a lot of stuff's happened over the last week.
I got 27/30 in my LTS "long" test; I didn't know that their definition of "long" was up to 30 items
Made a lot of new friends and I am so happy to have met them
I quickly ran out of cash because I had to pay for a lot of stuff.
Someone sent me 80 pesos worth of load on on Wednesday night, and someone (maybe the same person?) sent me 4o pesos worth of load on Thursday night. And I still don't know who it is!
Report in English, with a "First Day High" theme. I was the "brainy-high" (go figure!
HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS --> Margaux -> Meg -> Jade -> ???
Sarah and I went to Jollibee and found out that their manager is H-O-T!!
I watched the behind the scenes feature of RENT in the DVD that Dad bought for me; I can't believe that the creatoe died before opening night. And its so sad that he became famous but he's not there to enjoy his success. So sad
I think I'm getting sick
All for now. I'm tired.
Labels: friends, Harry Potter, RENT, school, school woes, sick
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Here I go again!
My head hurts. I bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows around 10-is this morning and I didn't put it down until I finished...10hours later. Hey, its 759 pages long
Me and my sister went to the mall just to buy it. The minute we got back, I had it covered in plastic before reading the first chapter. I gotta hand it to J.K. Rowling, she really tugged at my heartstrings as I turned the page. I cried in some parts and I gasped and cheered as if I was watching a movie. Even though there were some parts that left me more confused so I had to read that part again, I'm still amazed at all the stuff she wrote. What concerns me is that it might be a little too "adult" for the kids. But I'm sure they'll enjoy it anyway
As much as I would love to spoil it for you people by telling you what happens like, who ends up with who, who dies and what's gonna happen in the end, I'd rather not
I'm leaving for Manila again tomorrow because of that darn test in LTS. I mean, seriously, who gives tests on Sundays?
Labels: Harry Potter, RENT, school woes
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Here I go again, baby!
Sadly, can't use smileys.
It's final: I'm not going to Davao this weekend. They said that there was no way that I could take the exam earlier or later becuase its already been programmed into the school's main computer so all they have to do is submit it on the day of the exam. And they gave me this short lecture on "knowing your (my) priorities". Sheesh! Its not as if I'll be doing it again, you know.
So, anyway, that's that. The seventh and final book of Harry Potter's coming out on Saturday. I thought of just coming home this weekend and I'll buy it there. Dad's coming home on Sunday morning so I'll ride with the driver Dad hired to pick him up on that day (who also happens to be our next-door--well, technically, front door--neighbor). At least I'll save on the fare going here.
My watch, the one I've had for two years, finally beeped me a final goodbye yesterday. I'm so sad. I think I'll just have the battery replaced. I hope its not that expensive since I'm on a really tight budget.
I forgot to mention two things that happened yesterday: one, was when Simon came to the classroom and we started tossing his stressball around the room. I stood on one corner, while Meg stood on the other side of the room. Pretty soon, Mik, Cholo, Lissa, and Nix joined us. I wish somebody took a video of us doing it; we were all like a bunch of kids (minus the pigtails and goofy haircuts). And the other one, was when we saw our former classmate, Gibson Arca. I think he got a little thinner (possible?!) and a little nicer (?????).
Okay, that's it for today. I gotta have my assignment in NatSci printed.
Labels: Harry Potter, RENT, school
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yey! I can use my smileys!
It's only been three days but still I feel as if its already been a week. I'm so exhausted and I can tell that my classmates and room mates feel the same way. All I could do now is keep on repeating "Just a few more days 'till the weekend"
Waki and I had a bit of a heart-to-heart chat on Monday while we were waiting for the others to show for our meeting. I found out that someone two years younger than her was courting her last summer, that his name is Romeo, and that they met at a summer camp. We were laughing so hard when she said that he was such a heartthrob and that he kept on saying these cheesy lines just to impress her. But she made him stop because she thought that he was just "too good to be true".
Yesterday, was yet again, P.E. I think my body's FINALLY getting use to all the stuff we've been doing. We got our uniforms; our team color is royal blue
And today, we had no classes from 11-1 because of the Faculty meeting. My brain bled during Finance, and we had a quiz in Theology. I think I did okay; maybe not perfect, but I'm confident that I got a pretty high score
I'm getting a huge headache just thinking about my darn problem for Sunday. We're supposed to have a long quiz on Sunday morning for our LTS but I'm going to Davao on Saturday and I won't be back until late in the evening. Who the hell holds long tests on a SUNDAY?! I still have to talk to my coordinator if I could take the test earlier of when I get back. I hope they hear me out; I have a very valid reason for going which I will not say here. Pray for me, please
Okay, that's all for today. I'll let you people know if I was allowed to go or not.
Labels: family issues, love thing, school, school woes, smiley love
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Need I say more?
I'm exhausted. We watched HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX this morning. I was with the seniors of DS; I was invited by Kathleen to watch with them. The movie was---okay. I mean, I was expecting a little bit more. I don't blame the director for trying to squeeze in a lot of information and action into less than three hours; it's a pretty long book but I still wish he did it a little differently. Although I did enjoy it, but it lacked that factor that would make me want to watch it again.
I think Emma Watson's prettier now. Better looking than the girl who played Cho Chang anyway
Tom Felton's as hot as ever
I'm coughing a little bit. I got wet on last Tuesday's rain. I hope it doesn't get serious. I hate it when I'm sice
I'm out of stuff to say
Labels: Harry Potter, sick
Friday, July 13, 2007
I'm not gonna stop and you know it
It's been one hell of a week and I got so much to say to you all!
MONDAY, JULY 9 - I don't remember a lot about what happened during class but I do remember what happened after class. I was so hungry when we got dismissed so I dragged Meg with me to Dapitan where I ate in Chowking. Iris joined us after awhile. Then we went back to school because Meg had to accompany Kuya Lawrence in the AB Debate booth for the Org. Fair. We hung out there for awhile, talking, laughing, taking pictures of Sir Olivar; and then, I saw Kuya JC coming out of the building. I swear, I wanted to jump and scream. He's gotten a little thinner but he still looks good
Me was very happy
That night, I talked to Romeo. At this point I got a lot of explaining to do. When we broke up a few months ago, I thought that it was really over between us; my world came crashing down when we broke up and I was unconsolable. The reason for our break-up was pretty clear; he didn't want us to be so far apart from each other and I understood that. Long-distance relationships are pretty hard to maintain. Then he asked if I could wait until the time that he graduated and when he would move to Manila, that way we could be closer. I said that I'd try; but that night, I don't know, I just felt as if I couldn't take it anymore. I've been debating with myself for the past few weeks on whether or not I should let go. But ultimately, I made my decision. I told him that I was letting go; it broke my heart to say it, but I had to. He didn't want me to let go so he asked for another chance. Another chance? I didn't know what else to say so I told him that I'll think about it.
TUESDAY, JULY 10 - P.E. day. It was so tiring! But we had more fun this time than the last time. Our professor gave us easier stuff to do, so thank goodness for that!
If only I look that good in real life...
I was really touched with the stuff they said and I'll never forget that day. They really surprised me; Meg and Sarah left the classroom for awhile so Iris, Janel and I stayed behind. When they came in I didn't even notice that Meg was hiding it behind her back; I didn't even suspect anything when she passed me and did a complete rotation around me (she was hiding it behind her back so I wouldn't see it). Finally, she sat down and beckoned all of us to come nearer. She laid it face-down on her lap so I didn't know what it was. I thought it was a poster for a student organization or something but when she finally gave it to me, I read it over and over again just to make sure that I wasn't going blind or anything. And sure enough, that was it. I was in tears when I realized that they made it for me. I love those guys
Talked to Romeo again. I told him that I was going to give him one last chance. If he messes up again, it will be totally over. Then I asked him what he planned to do now that he got his chance; he said he wanted to make up for lost time and for the mistake he did a few months ago. In other words, he wanted us to get back together. I thought really hard about that so I kept him talking while I was thinking; I asked him what about his girlfriend, he said he already broke up with her. I asked about the "distance thing", he said that he'll make it work anyway. I kept on stalling until I ran out of stuff to say; until finally, all I could say was, "YES". This time, I'm not going to take our relationship seriously. I took it too seriuosly before so that's why I got really hurt. But if I take it lightly, I won't get as hurt as before. I know I'm being stupid for agreeing to be his girlfriend again, but hey, I'm a hopeless romantic. Whatever the outcome, it'll be my fault and I won't spend my time wallowing in self-pity when we break up again. I've become stronger since we broke up so I know that I won't get broken that easily. When it comes, I'm ready for it. This is my problem and no one else's. So if you have anything negative or positive to say about this, please let me know; I could use a little laughter right now
WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 - I bought a new scientfic calculator becuase my old one was causing me a lot of trouble. Then me and Janel ate in Jollibee (yes, again
THURSDAY, JULY 12 - I attended my first meeting on THE FOCUS. It's the official newsletter of Behavioral Science and they recruited me to be one of their staffers. I had a great time; we were laughing and joking around while some were actually doing some of the real work. I wasn't really familiar with the stuff that they were saying so I just stayed out of it. After that me and Meg ate in San Mig beofre heading off to the library. We ran into Sarah and Mau and Sarah joined us becuase Mau had a class to attend. We went to the Filipiniana section because Sarah had to research for her report in Rizal. Our classmate, Mark Anido, was there reviewing for our recitation in Natural Science. I asked him if he could accompany me in looking for the book that had everything we needed to know that was sure to come up in our recitation. So we went down two floors to the Science and Technology section but the book wasn't there so I had to look for another one. I had it xeroxed then I read it. We went down for lunch when it was already 12pm. Classes, laughtrip in Philo and stuff. And Sir Olivar made me cry. All becuase of one darn question. I was so pressured to answer it but I really had no idea what he was talking about. I looked at my classmates and I could see that they didn't understand what he was saying either. I guess I couldn't take it so I let it all out through my tears. I'll do better next time even if I have to read every single book in the library. Just wait, Sir Olivar. You think you know everything just becuase your a professor, but just you wait...
At least one good thing happened; we didn't have Psychology because our professor was absent. As for History, I am so not liking it. Mainly becuase of the professor. She talks to us as if we're a bunch of kids! And everytime she talks, she sticks her tongue out. That kind of stuff distracts me from the lesson! Urgh! I want Professor Dalangin!
And finally, today. I'm in Dagupan right now. I'm gonna watch Harry Potter with Kathleen adn the other seniors in the morning. I can't wait! I hope its good. I've been getting mixed reviews about it so I'll just have to wait and see
All for now!
Labels: bad/happy day, love thing, past love and new hate, RENT, revelations, school, school woes, smiley love, stories
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I watched it again this morning. It never gets old
So, after watching the movie, we watched the opening of the 70th season of the UAAP college basketball competition (is that what you call it?). I even saw my classmate, who's a dance for the Sallinggawi Dance Troupe, on T.V. I could immediately spot him because of his hair
And me and Tita Marissa watched "TRANSFORMERS" awhile ago. It was sooooo cool! If your a big fan of action, this is the movie for you. The special effects were incredible! You're not gonna regret sitting for almost three hours in the cinema; I swear, its so worth it
*singsong voice*I hate you, I hate you, I really, really, hate you. I loathe you, I loathe you, I really, really loathe you.
I can't wait for Harry Potter to come out! I'm so excited!
And the day the book comes out is when we we're in Davao. I hope they sell it there
I can't download the instructions on how to save my darn LTS assignment! Frickin' PC
Out for now!
Labels: Harry Potter, movie mania, past love and new hate, RENT, school woes