Monday, April 30, 2007
We just watched it awhile ago and it was great! I didn't know Hugh Grant can sing. Or did someone else sing for him? I'll get to the bottom of this one
Politics, politics, politics. I get a really bad taste in my mouth every time I say it. I saw in the news this afternoon that the guy that someone shot last Saturday night (the same gathering my aunt and uncle were in; please read my previous post), died this morning. Now everyone's making sure that it won't happen again. Fat chance. That will happen again. And maybe this time, they won't be so lenient. *knock on wood*
We pretty much watched T.V. until our eyes dropped out of their sockets the whole day, today. I watched "300", "ERAGON", and "MUSIC AND LYRICS". And then I watched "MYTHBUSTERS" on the Discovery Channel twice! Dude, I have so much time to kill
We were supposed to go to the Bangus Festival, but we felt too lazy to go.
I hate it when my text-mates sleep on me. They could have at least said "good night". But no, they had to shut their eyes and sleep the night away while I wait for their replies that are never gonna come. Darnit.
To MY ANGEL, my frequent visitor, thanks for everything. But you owe me one
. Hahaha!
Before I forget, I would like to thank my Tita Joli for these emoticons. But where I got them, will remain secret for while
. I love making people guess
I'm out of stuff to say, so I'm just gonna say..
Good night!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Ahh. This time, they won
I think there's a riot outside; or maybe some people got drunk a little too early. Either one, it's still noisy outside and it's irritating. Some bastards and their bithes are probably betting on who fucks each other more. Sorry for my crude use of language.
Speaking of a riot..My tita and tito dropped by last night and they had a very interesting story to tell. They just came back from San Carlos where they were campaigning for their friend. When the emcee announced that my tito was in the audience (he's a famous writer for the Philippine Star) he and my tita was debating on whether they should go up the stage or not; but since they were at the very back of the plaza and there were a lot of people, they decided against it. Then my tita heard shots ring out somewhere close by; at first she said that she thought that they had fireworks to light up for the occassion. When suddenly, someone shouted that it was gunfire; everybody started panicking. They all ran towards the exit, pinning my tita, tito and their companion against the wall. After awhile, they left as well.
According to my tita, there were some people who got shot and there was one who was bleeding profusely. They said that they haven't heard that if anybody actually died.
My tito said that IF they went up the stage, they could have been shot. Thank heavens they didn't get hurt!
It's scary. The things people do to win the election. I guess "exterminate opponents and supporters" is on their agenda. It's all so fucked up! Right now, I'm really having second thoughts on whether I shoud be a politician or not. There's too many risks involoved. I'm not scared, I just don't know if I want to be with people who are willing to kill others just to get what they want. I dunno. I'm still weighing my options.
Now, where have I heard that before?
I watched "ERAGON" just a while ago. It was okay. Could have been better, but they did okay. Too bad it didn't make a lot of money.
Just when you thought that they're with you, they suddenly turn against you. When I say "they", I'm talking about the people who swore to help you no matter what happens, to keep your secrets, to mind their own business until your willing to let other people know what's going on..them. And after making such "pledges", they break them, at the time when they need to fulfill it. Hell! So much for promises, huh?
I think I'm getting a cold. My nose feels stuffy and my throat's feeling kinda scratchy. Pooor me
I went to a despedida today and I got caught in really bad traffic on my way home. We stayed in the same spot for at least 40-or-so-minutes because of that darn street dancing thing or whatever. And here's another bad thing: just when we were about to enter the street where I live, we find that the road's been blocked. I had no choice; I got down from the jeepney and walked the rest of the way home. And that was no short distance because I had to take the long way 'round. It took me about 20minutes, more or less, to walk and by the time I arrived at our front porch, my feet felt like they were on fire. When I took my shoes off, I had these cuts along my heel and they stung like hell! Lesson: never use those shoes when walking long distances
I'm addicted to this game on WIREDARCADE.COM where you swing your bat at a falling pengui and see how far it goes. It's not as cruel as you guys think. Hey, it's just a game. Try it out! --> PENGUIN SWING
New background music! "Edelweiss" by Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews, from "The Sound of Music". I remember watching this movie at least four times a day when I was a kid. I don't watch it that much anymore, but I still love it. Ahh. Memories
That's all for today. I'm exhausted. My arms and legs are cramping up.
Good night!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Actually, it's a fight between that and "Somewhere" that was performed by IL Divo in the results show of American Idol last night. This won
Before I forget, let me just answer Pluginbaby's tag. Sorry if I took so long, dude
1. Write about how much addicted u are towards something.
2. Don't forget to include the percentage of 'addictedness' towards that thing.
3. All with one condition > the total of percentage must reach 100%
4. You MUST tag others and continue tagging but plz dont forget to explain the rulez and plz notify that person so that they know they had been tagged.
ADDICTEDness, here I come!
* I'm addicted to musicals. I've been watching and listening to them for as long as I can remember. -- 30%
* I'm addicted to YouTube. I love looking for movies and videos. -- 10%
* I'm addicted to listening to classical singers like Josh Groban, IL Divo, Michael Buble, etc. -- 5%
* I'm addicted to henna tattos. It's a new addiction -- 5%
* I'm addicted to American Idol. 'Nuff said -- 5%
* I'm addicted to surfing the net. I hog the computer from late at night until the wee hours of the morning -- 15%
* I'm addicted to the color black! -- 20%
* I'm addicted to reading. They don't call me bookworm for nothing -- 10%
TOTAL -- 100%
The stuff that did not make it to my ADDICTEDness list, but I'm still addicted to them just not as much as the ones mentioned above, are:
`taking pictures
`watching T.V. and DVDs
I'm gonna tag..MELANIE, PEPE, LALA, IRIS, JANEL, AICA, and JAVE. Let me know if you guys answered my tag
There you have it!
Okay, American Idol last night was so cool! All the guest singers were great, especially Josh Groban and IL Divo. I cried during Josh Groban's performance; it was so beautiful. They even had Celine Dion "perform" with Elvis. Now, that was different
. The biggest shocker of the show was when no onew got eliminated. There was this moment when everyone thought that Jordin was going to be eliminated since all of the finalists was declared "safe" by Ryan Seacrest. I was about to shout my protest, but then, he said that she was "also safe". I hate it when he does that!
Why is it so hard to stay mad at someone? I can't stay mad at one person for one whole day! Urgh! I am SO not cut out for this stuff.
Angel gave me new name! LUENNA. 'Coz he said that since I am now addicted to henna, he combined my nickname with the word "henna". What do you guys think?
I changed my background music. It's "I'll Be There For You" a.k.a. "FRIENDS Theme Song" (if you know the series) by The Rembrandts. Absolutely love it. Very catchy
I browsed through my baby pictures this afternoon and I had a lot of them. Well, I was the first-born, so naturally, my parents were ecstatic. I was supposed to be the second-born (or not) because my Mom gave birth to a girl a year before I was born, but she died prematurely. My sisiter kept on complaining that I had more pictures than her. Sorry, kid
Wanna see my Mom's boyfriend? View my Multiply!
I managed to fix the handle of my drawer! The original handle broke off so you know what I did? I super-glued two little bottles of paint to the drawer! Lookie, lookie!
Cool, huh?
I guess that's it for today!
Don't forget to leave comments!
'Til next time!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm goin' musical mode again!
I changed the picture on top. First attempt. It was soooo tiring!
I woke up early today because I went to my Mom's office; nothing to do, so I went there. And my sister's "working" there, too; she's sorta like my Mom's secretary or something. And she gets paid too. Sweet
Mom's boyfriend was there. He was such a pig!
My sister, being the sneak that she is (it has its advantages, too; trust me on that), took pictures of him without him having the faintest idea of what she was doing. Maybe he thinks that she's just browsing at the other pictures,
Of course, he wants to make a "good impression" on us, so he bought a Quarter-Pounder and orange juice from McDonalds. Since Pats didn't like burgers, she gave it to me. Even if he does do all that nice stuff, it still doesn't change the fact that he ruined our family. He doesn't seem sorry at all. I'll never like him, and that's that.
After Mom finished up, we had lunch in JamSweetJam. I missed eating there
My brother and I got into a little bit of an argument this afternoon. He tried asking for my forgiveness by offering his hand to shake; I didn't give it to him because I knew that after he shakes my hand, he'll slap it hard. When I continued to refuse, he kept on making a motion to grab my hand, but I always yank it out of his reach. After about ten seconds of doing it, my sister shouted, "Look! Your making him cry!". And sure enough, tears were starting to form in his eyes so I got up and hugged him. I didn't think that it would affect him that much. After he calmed down, we all had a nice drink of Coke and everything went back to normal
Today's episode of American Idol was great! Chris (surprisngly
I can't wait for tomorrow's show! I hope none of my favorites get voted out!
I changed the message on my status bar because the last one was too long. And I also changed the list of my link-exchanges; the last layout took up too much space.
By the way, whoever is reading this, my sister, Patsy, says hi
Alrightie, that's it for today. I'm gonna look for the finalists' performance on YouTube. Here I go again!
Comments puh-lease!
Lui has left the building